The Springs

Welcome to Vaughn and Nell's website, updating you on our lives! Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy catching up on what we're up to!

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Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

I’m proudly a full-time Mummy, looking after our beautiful daughter (nicknamed “Little Spring” in my blog) and a full time wife to a wonderful Lutheran pastor (“nicknamed “Big Spring” in my blog). I was born and have lived in Australia my whole life, but I also have a US passport and a passion for all things American… especially food and my family!

Monday, June 08, 2009

The Baby

You've all been patiently waiting for baby belly pictures and I'm sorry for the delay, but because I've only just started popping out, there hasn't really been a lot to show! But now, drum roll... here it is!

It's not the most flattering picture of my face, but it's me... and the baby belly... all the same!

Bubs is moving around heaps now. I think Vaughn's favourite time of the day is actually at night, when I'm sleeping and Bubs is moving around heaps. Vaughn loves cuddling me, with his hand on my belly, just feeling him/her move around. It's really sweet!

Of course I have been feeling Bubs move around from the inside, but last week, I was lying in bed and had my hand on my belly when s/he moved and I actually felt the movement with my hand, which was very different... it was amazing! It's beautiful being able to feel Bubs move now. It certainly makes all the more real, as does actually having a belly... as well as perfecting the waddle, which has started in the last week!

I'm still not as big as many women at the same stage as me, but I'm feeling big enough that I have to roll off the couch or bed (sometimes Vaughn gives me a helpful hoist!) and it's quite hard to put shoes and socks on... finding the right angle!

As of today, I am 30 weeks... only 10 weeks to go... wow, times flies! Only 4 weeks left of work and counting. Baby is going to be here before we know it! It's very exciting!


Blogger Rachel Esther said...

Nelly! You look stunning!!!!! I am so sad that I wont be able to see you in person like this but so excited that the next time I see you you will have a baby for me to cuddle!!! much love. xoxo

8:52 pm  

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