The Springs

Welcome to Vaughn and Nell's website, updating you on our lives! Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy catching up on what we're up to!

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Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

I’m proudly a full-time Mummy, looking after our beautiful daughter (nicknamed “Little Spring” in my blog) and a full time wife to a wonderful Lutheran pastor (“nicknamed “Big Spring” in my blog). I was born and have lived in Australia my whole life, but I also have a US passport and a passion for all things American… especially food and my family!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Vaughn celebrated his birthday today. Unfortunately he had to attend Safe Place Ministry training, so not exactly the birthday he's always dreamed of. But while he was out of the house, I was able to make him a special birthday cake, NFL style! It didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped, but it was still fun making it!

Happy birthday, my wonderful, sweet, hard-working husband!


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