The Springs

Welcome to Vaughn and Nell's website, updating you on our lives! Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy catching up on what we're up to!

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Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

I’m proudly a full-time Mummy, looking after our beautiful daughter (nicknamed “Little Spring” in my blog) and a full time wife to a wonderful Lutheran pastor (“nicknamed “Big Spring” in my blog). I was born and have lived in Australia my whole life, but I also have a US passport and a passion for all things American… especially food and my family!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Cairns Lutheran Parish Install a New Pastor!

This past Sunday, it was wonderful to see Vaughn installed as pastor to Cairns Lutheran Parish. It felt like the final step in Vaughn's journey to ministry. Of course, this is only the beginning, but in regards to anticipation, this was the last big thing in our very eventful past 2 months or so.

Vaughn then commenced work, officially, on Monday. After finishing work today, he now has 1) his first sermon for the parish to write; 2) his first funeral for next week and; 3) his first wedding... date yet to be set. A busy week to begin!

Vaughn's Installation - Cairns


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