The Springs

Welcome to Vaughn and Nell's website, updating you on our lives! Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy catching up on what we're up to!

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Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

I’m proudly a full-time Mummy, looking after our beautiful daughter (nicknamed “Little Spring” in my blog) and a full time wife to a wonderful Lutheran pastor (“nicknamed “Big Spring” in my blog). I was born and have lived in Australia my whole life, but I also have a US passport and a passion for all things American… especially food and my family!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Laugh for the Day...

I just received the funniest email from my cousin. She recently ordered some panties online (I know in Australia that panties sounds dirty/not quite right, but that's what they call them in the States!) and when she got the email to say that they were on their way, she proceeded to tell her husband that "they shipped my panties."

He then did a double take...

He thought she had said "I sh*t my panties." Hmm. Awkward!

Even now I'm laughing! Okay, so maybe you didn't find that as funny as I did, because you don't know my cousin and can't picture what that would have looked like, but I really laughed out loud as I read it the first time!


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