The Springs

Welcome to Vaughn and Nell's website, updating you on our lives! Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy catching up on what we're up to!

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Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

I’m proudly a full-time Mummy, looking after our beautiful daughter (nicknamed “Little Spring” in my blog) and a full time wife to a wonderful Lutheran pastor (“nicknamed “Big Spring” in my blog). I was born and have lived in Australia my whole life, but I also have a US passport and a passion for all things American… especially food and my family!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Boring Pregnancy

Now I wouldn't describe any pregnancy as boring, let alone mine, but when my midwife calls it that, I don't mind at all! I'm now 34 weeks pregnant and just had my midwife appointment (she does housecalls, so that's great!) and as she was doing all her usual checks, she said that my pregnancy was boring, but that's what she likes and hoped it would continue to be boring, and so do I!

I had my baby shower last weekend and had so much fun! Ange did a great job organising it and I loved celebrating with friends and family (well, only one family member, but I'm grateful Mum could come and be there). Vaughn and I were overwhelmed by the gifts we received and have enjoyed going through them all. I'm in the process of washing everything and knuckling down and getting the nursery ready. I'm also in the throws of packing my and Bubs' bags for our impending trip to the hospital.

I'm waiting for my mum to forward me pictures of the baby shower, but in the mean time, here are some photos of all the gifts we have received to date, since announcing our pregnancy:

And this is a gift that my boss' wife put together just for me (as opposed to a gift for the baby), to pamper and take to the hospital with me. Donna is very creative (she's a part time florist) and the pack was just gorgeous... presented much nicer than what's in this photo:

Once I get pictures of the baby shower, I'll post those to my blog, as well as an updated picture of my belly, so as always, stay tuned!


Blogger Rachel Esther said...

I'm so glad for you both that the pregnancy part of this baby is 'boring'! It looks like you had a lovely shower. Looking forward to seeing more pictures. xo

3:19 pm  

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